On Becoming A Millionaire With Powerful Shortcuts
You can hardly refute the fact that there are indeed a good number of powerful shortcuts to becoming a millionaire in a set period of time. It's been done by many thousands of individuals, and will be done by you when you hush up, get all your best information from the horse's mouth (those who have done it and/or are doing it repeatedly), and get busy with a fire in your pants. |
Shut UP and listen to those doing it; they identify the resources that will help them develop wealth and get that written plan into action. Just one resource alone for you: thousands and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of millionaires for you to ask. Remember that if you filled every major league baseball stadium in the U.S. with only a non-inherited millionaire in each seat, you'd still have so many millionaires left you could place every one of them in their own seat in every major league football stadium in the U.S.A., and fill every one of those arenas, and you'd still have tens of thousands of millionaires without a seat. So when we see hundreds, and then thousands of them staying focused on what resources they can make use of to bring a twenty-thousand dollar per week income become one tiny step closer, then it's obvious to a duck that the goal becomes one tiny step closer to reality. This is not about the art of persuasion, or any art at all outside of the art of science, because these facts are constitute the science of wealth and economy, the science of doubling your income within a hundred days or perhaps two hundred and then doing it again every hundred or two hundred days. That's the 1 Shortcut Living Class. If a thousand Americans per day can become millionaires and that rate continues for a thousand days in a row, and another thousand days in a row, and beyond, then it's foolish to ignore the commonalities that are clear, such as the fact that nearly sixty percent of all new millionaires are doing something at least four hours per week outside of their primary income, and growing it week by week, drop by drop. It's silly to ignore the fact that no human being can work harder on someone else's baby as we do our own baby. When it's your own baby, your brain is more active, even more creative... ... because it's your own baby. Provided you do not need a boot in the head to see the obvious, you'll also notice that most of our millionaires have a written plan. For Martha Stewart, it began with written recipes. For Ann Landers and Dear Abby, it was written advice to readers of their internationally-syndicated newspaper columns. For someone planning a wedding, it's a list of every detail in writing. For a carpenter, it's the blueprint of the house he's building. Talking about mother lodes, your local SBA provides quick access to SCORE, the Society Composed of Retired Executives. the title of SCORE is self-explanatory. Society composed of retired executives. In other words, people who have succeeded at what you want to succeed at. Shut up. Shut up. It's YOUR turn to be a superstar performer. Every human being who ever knows you has an opinion. That opinion is coming from one of two people. Either they are someone who pursues their dreams, turns them into goals, & makes them happen, or they are someone who may start a dream, and give up when obstacles show up. You're asked to look at a boy who, although he was one of the geekier band members at high school, knew what he wanted to do even as he gave every appearance of accepting that he was, quite frankly, a bit socially retarded. No friends, often the butt of jokes, a 15-yr old kid who took a tour of a major studio, and had the audacity to time his exit to coincide with the evening guard relieving the day shift, so that the teenager effectively self-empowered himself to say "Good night" to both guards, ensuring an easier return the following morning, the next day, he put his lunch in his father's briefcase, and walking as if he worked there, breezed past the guard, and the morning after that, and so on, for the whole summer. Each day, he'd watch, listen, and absorb... from who? Well, from Hollywood's best, and it's always smart to learn from the best, just as you are now being encouraged to copy his attitude. |
Quit II
Quit III
Stop IV
Calorie Chart
Stop V
Stop-smoking XV
Stop Smoking IV
Each day that you learn even one new fact about becoming a millionaire, or a naturopathic,
is a day you are likely to remember for a long time to come, because each new fact adds up.
Mastery is closer than you may realize, vis-a-vis both 1 Shortcut Living Class and 1 Shortcut Living Class.
Curing Colds
Doctors II
Health Index - The facts
Herbal Medicine
Pain Relief
Masters and Millionaires
Harmony YOUR Medical Dollars
The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit
Moliere wrote that hundreds of years ago, and it is no less true in modern times.
Patience and persistence pay off in every conceivable human activity, true enough?
Let's invest that patient approach, and the persistent repetition of intelligent techniques.
This is one of many individual pathways towards developing wealth, becoming millionaires,
that can be used by itself, or in conjunction with any one or more of your great PowerGems
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The 1 Shortcut Living Class may well be the mother of all websites, and likely the world's largest website. MisterShortcut's rather zany claim to have produced and uploaded several hundred thousand unique pages.... turns out to be for the benefit (or the inverse, actually) of those who would try to exceed the record. Supporting those million deliciously interactive pages, MisterShortcut produced title="Beam To The 1 Shortcut Living Class and 1 Shortcut Living Class" ANOTHER half a million TRULY UNIQUE pages, plus approximately seven hundred thousand mirror pages to keep his works alive. What a thought - no one will ever have time in one lifetime to view all the works of MisterShortcut Created by a single pair of hands seeking to redefine "pro bono" -- fifty-one thousand hours and more -- all of the 1 Shortcut Living Class websites, the Masters and Millionaires websites, The 1 Shortcut Living Class and other "Psychology of ____" sites -- one and all, are devoted to you, in hope that you'll be smart enough to smell the roses. The 1 Shortcut Living Class and 1 Shortcut Living Class are, simply, the most effective methods and the best shortcuts of world-class people. Without a doubt, knowledge can and shall change the world, already is, and it begins with you as long as you understand that knowledge alone is not power; knowledge is only potential power until you deploy it. Make the most of these best shortcuts at The 1 Shortcut Living Class, the best 1 Shortcut Living Class offered at The 1 Shortcut Living Class. Learn more, live more, in hope that you'll give more. It's quite a formula; one that has a strong tendency to induce inexplicable feelings of happiness, of fulfillment, of what might be called "Richard Branson Syndrome" of attainment. |