The 1 Shortcut Living Class and How To Quit Smoking
As we both know, "how to quit smoking" is not the easiest task.
When people, personally, ask how to quit smoking, the steps are easy enough,
whether you quit smoking cold turkey,
or simply stop smoking by smoking less each day,
no less than eighty to ninety percent of your success in either quitting or not,
is found within the desire and decision.
The deisre to quit, and so much more, the decision to take action,
the decision to not only learn HOW to quit smoking, and how to quit smoking forever,
much more than that it's the decision to take the first step. Not the second, or third.
Any human being who succeeds at the first step has demonstrated and proven,
with nothing more or less than a single decision and a single action,
that the next step is achievable. That first step is everything.
AFTER you make the decsion to quit smoking,
then and only than are you likely to succeed.
The 1 Shortcut Living Class applauds,
and cheers, your determined to look.
Now let's act by skipping 1 smoke.
Is that reasonable enough?
Excellent - that's progress.