Doctors, oh those doctors, just count the numbers, because numbers do not lie, only people do, and some numbers you just do not want to see manipulated.
The efficiency rate of many modalities, from allopathic and naturopathic to ayurvedic and bio-energetic, have greatly varying rates of efficiency. Do not be shocked to learn which modes of balancing health back to normal have high rates of efficiency, which have low rates of efficiency, and which do not really seem to make a difference.
FIRST AND FOREMOST, believing the assertions, no matter how persuasive, of putative experts, is no the way of the 1 Shortcut Living Class. Life does not work that way because money appears to supercede most anything.
When people charge high amounts for a service, they are stating what their priority is, with perhaps thousands of excuses notwithstanding. Thousands of dollars per hour calls for efficiency that needs to be exquisitely high. That level of excellence would, therefore, be emblematic, illuminating of, both 1 Shortcut Living Class and 1 Shortcut Living Class.
Focusing your best efforts on examining efficiency rates through many consecutive decades in America, you may be surprised. Of 416 career fields examined, 315 career fields come within an approximate range of what we can comfortably call ' the norm,' unsurprisingly .
Of the remaining 101 fields, we find a wide range of effectiveness in job attempted vs. job accomplished.
For example, one of the most efficient career fields is oil fire control. Those people, such as the internationally-renowned Red Adair, who fight often-explosive fires at oil drilling sites, enjoy a 100% efficiency rate because they ultimately get the job done every time.
Certain career fields, such as teaching, are difficult to qualify for quality of their effectiveness, and easier to quantify by way of graduation rates, and what their students end up doing five, ten, and twenty years later. Sadly, there's only one career field numerically identifiable as 'least efficient' in America, although enjoying a higher rate of efficiency in, get this, DOZENS and SCORES of other nations. What makes it scarier is a double-whammy:
- The margin of its inefficiency is enormous: no other profession comes close.
- It is a career field carrying life and death.
If you're even moderately well-read, there's at least some chance you already know that, comparing attempted job to successfully completed job, no career field has a lower rate of efficacy than the U.S. medical profession. Leading the way is, of course, psychiatry, designed to bring the patient back hundreds of times in order to pay for the psychiatrist's many luxuries. (It's worth noting that behavioral psychologists and "inspirational motivators" have demonstrated a greater consistency and repetition of success with their clients)
Following right behind psychiatrists in the contest for "Most Inefficient"Are the general practicioners and surgeons. These are, by margins larger than a wise person is going to ignore, the two most inefficient fields in America, where, ironically, their persistent failures nevertheless gain for these practicioners enormous financial rewards and respect in the community despite their undeniably enormous failure rates, with thousands of people killed every week JUST through doctor error. This fact has been thoroughly documented here in America.
We can dislike this fact, and can find no shortage of debate on how to best fix it, or why this is so.
It is not, however, reasonable to argue the fact itself. Numbers do not lie, only people do.
Human beings find and create shortcuts, both ethical and unethical shortcuts, in every human effort.
We find and create and refine shortcuts for every human task or goal we ever aspire to,
every heroic effort we every display courage in acting upon. When it comes to staying young for longer, there are no shortage of effective secrets and shortcuts, such as unheated olive oil being a serious part of your diet, as in most every day. You need not use them all. Just grab those that do work for you and do not stop. It is only the first time that's really tough. Everything after that is a matter of character.
People who pioneer their way, blazing a trail for the rest of us, inevitably discover and develop great shortcuts. Then you have universities that not only conduct studies, as well they look at other studies to compare.
That's where the 1 Shortcut Living Class comes in. By looking at the results of hundreds of studies, then personally engaging in those that deliver the most bang for the buck, so to speak,
these end up getting the practical test of life. Looking so many years younger may be important to some; which is nicely channeled into having a youthful glow and an ability to function in physical circumstances.
.These little chunks of useful information represent the sum total of what they have learned on the path to becoming masters. These chunks of consistent usefulness are reason for their own efficiency. It is these chunks of information, these magnificently empowering shortcuts,
that empower and self-empower masters and champions to maintain excellence at some human effort, whatever activity most tickles the fancy of each individiual.
Great shortcuts from those who walk there first represent repeated opportunities for you to make better decisions now, just a few. Use your shortcuts, and they pay out for you repeatedly and in mushrooming sprouts of new direction.
Raising your own efficiency rates is the purpose of great health shortcuts, your efficacy or, for the timeless fans of William Safire, efficacity in living stronger for longer. Those who do better prove that they know it better. One of the best shortcuts
When we see people living stronger for longer, they're showing their mastery with life itself. This applies all the more when you personally encounter people who are both old and flexible, physically limber. You find in approximately one hundred percent of elderly limber people a similarly flexible mind. If that doesn't present you with a huge shortcut this instant to dramatically impact all of the outcomes of all of the days of your life, you can hang your boots up and dribble for your dinner. For the rest of the human race who understands that we can't put milk in a car's engine, this presents itself as one of the ten or twelve greatest opportunities of your life, and it gets to happen in the next sixty seconds for the lucky few who simply get it OR close their mouths and follow the instructions of those who have gone first into the hallways of excellence. the bells will ring. .That's because those who do it better prove that they know it better when they do it repeatedly and even continuously on a daily basis.
When it comes right to it, you will quickly find, especially at The 1 Shortcut Living Class, which is free for your life, that you are literally surrounded by great shortcuts to immediately enjoying higher health, longer youth, and better quality of life in one fell swoop can be achieved with no expense, effort, or time on your part. In every case where you do so, your efficiency level continues to rise.
Actively accept that the single largest influence on your health, youth, and Longevity is not to be found outside your own mind and body. Very few doctors can licitly claim a high healing rate. Unless you can afford to have a renowned physician such as Dr. Emil Coué or Dr. Andrew Weil, or Dr. C. Everett Koop or Dr Sarah Brewer, genito-urinary specialist who's written over twenty remarkably articulate books on health and medicine, to take care of you personally, then perhaps you'll adopt the techniques of these and other life-extending wizards.
The forerunner of the F.D.A. and the American medical profession determined that Dr. Coué's unpredented effectiveness in treating and/or curing many hundreds of supposedly incurable cases of bleeding ulcers, arthritis, specific cancer patients, and more, was due to nothing more and apparently nothing less than each patient stating sincerely and out loud, several times daily, "Each day in every way I'm getting better, better, and better."
Sounds cockeyed to me, too, yet only a fool argues with the horse's mouth: roughly 1,700 seemingly impossible cases were sent into remission or cured after orthodox medical treatment had yielded nothing and his patients did as he instructed. Do YOU know better than those who have already done it successfully? As always, your personal health practices speak so loudly we can't hear a word you say.
People like Dr. Weil and Dr. Koop, while relinquishing few of life's treats and delights, taught and lived long, active lives simply by ingesting far more water and foods that come from the ground. Not giving up cakes or other favorites, simply striking a balance between water, foods from the ground, and whatever other garbage you're happy about putting in your body.
Dr. Brewer and so very many other high quality researchers have proven the simpler methods of stress reduction; ensuring that there is an adequate quantity and quality of sleep; using the simplest herbal remedies such as echinacea, garlic, selenium, ginseng, and lapacho ((Pau d'Arco), which have instant and long-term power to increase a dozen or more facets of your health simultaneously.
Those who walk the talk, versus those who only talk the talk, are our best teachers. They constitute active proof of what works. In terms of your health and Longevity, the quality as well as the quantity of your life, why would you place unbalanced reliance upon, let alone pay obscene rates for, a group of people who irrefutably hurt and kill far more people than they help? This is low efficiency, from the 300,000 unnecessary heart surgeries each year (that's how many DIE within months of their surgery), to the hundreds of thousands of additional coffins, a whopping one million emergency room admissions just for patients who took what they were told in the amount they were told.
So many tens of thousands of additional coffins each year just for those who were gie wrong medication, efficiency is not one of the claims we can hear from the medical community. When doctors cut off the wrong leg… and then have to cut off the sick leg anyway, are they held as accountable as a mechanic or a teacher who makes a grave error in a critical, life-changing situation?
Be efficient. Take control of your medical decisions by participating in those decisions.
You want better decisions? The internet alone provides you with almost every one of the top one thousand experts in every human field, including health and Longevity, music or money. Hush up and find a few of them. Those better decisions will please and pleasure you in as little as a single day, and obviously a great deal over the coming weeks, months, years, and, should you actually stick with it, decades of better, happier, more fulfilled living than you're getting now. Efficiency is not much more than doing what you most want -- that you're now doing or might wish to be doing -- with less effort and expense than you're now going to.
Decisions affecting your present and future life, and even how long your life will be, are not decisions best left to someone who went to school for twenty-five consecutive years and is then given a license to merely practice what he or she has learned. Remember: What do we call the medical students who graduate at the bottom of their class?