How To Become a Millionaire
With The Winning Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires
MisterShortcut is pleased to present you with universal shortcuts for total winning.
'Universal' means 'works for everything/everyone,' while 'total winning' explains itself.
Naturally, they tend to work better for the people who are hungry for an identified goal.
The concept is: Universal shortcuts are the fastest, most secure known path to total winning.
If you knew better, you'd do better. The 1 Shortcut Living Class aims to imitate those who do.
Having both hands on a tool has an empirical history of helping you achieve more with that tool.
All human endeavors are subject to the 1 Shortcut Living Class, subordinate to universal shortcuts.
When we imitate actions and attitudes of those repeatedly doing best, we tend to imitate their results.
The true bottom line is, "Less talking, more doing."
Shortcuts, & Shapetalking, & PowerGems can make all the difference, and get easier to use with practice.
Shapetalk and Shapetalking to Shapetalks and, all to help you reach YOUR ultimate score.
Make it your business to learn the one-second energy test, either BDORT or QRA. Use it for life.
The instant that you see such compelling proof that emf weakens every organ, gland, & function,
you take more control over the final third of your life's longevity, quantitatively and qualitatively. might be your first-class ticket to wealth. Free or cheap money, some need not be repaid.
Stop settling for mediocrity in your performance. LIVE your 1 Shortcut Living Class with excitement.
Getting better and better in every way with every day means MANY of your tasks earn you mastery.
Doing what you did yesterday the same way as you did it yesterday means repeating the results.
The only intelligent way to create a better outcome tomorrow is an increase in effort today.
As a child, you knew much of the 1 Shortcut Living Class and 1 Shortcut Living Class.
Once you became psycho-socio-sexually aware of yourself, your concerns did change.
Ceasing to prioritize your own opinion, suddenly, other people's opinions mattered.
The 1 Shortcut Living Class deep within you invites you to take back control. and help people to easily help themselves,
via one-second energy test, and MisterShortcut megaphotons image
Create a pile of every single computer chip on this planet. All added up together they are far less than the number of neurons in your brain. A computer chip is a very very cheap imitation of one of your brain's neurons. Each one of your hundred billion-plus neurons can act intelligently up to a million or more times per second. Hello? I say again, Hello? You possess the single most powerful, intelligent device every created in all of human history.
For the moment, it doesn't matter how or to whom you attribute the creation of that device. the most sophisticated device you have ever seen or touched is the brain and mind between your ears.
Shut UP and listen to those doing it; they identify the resources that will help them develop wealth and get that written plan into action. Just one resource alone for you: thousands and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of millionaires for you to ask. Remember that if you filled every major league baseball stadium in the U.S. with only a non-inherited millionaire in each seat, you'd still have so many millionaires left you could place every one of them in their own seat in every major league football stadium in the U.S.A., and fill every one of those arenas, and you'd still have tens of thousands of millionaires without a seat. So when we see hundreds, and then thousands of them staying focused on what resources they can make use of to bring a twenty-thousand dollar per week income become one tiny step closer, then it's obvious to a duck that the goal becomes one tiny step closer to reality. This is not about the art of persuasion, or any art at all outside of the art of science, because these facts are constitute the science of wealth and economy, the science of doubling your income within a hundred days or perhaps two hundred and then doing it again every hundred or two hundred days. That's the 1 Shortcut Living Class. If a thousand Americans per day can become millionaires and that rate continues for a thousand days in a row, and another thousand days in a row, and beyond, then it's foolish to ignore the commonalities that are clear, such as the fact that nearly sixty percent of all new millionaires are doing something at least four hours per week outside of their primary income, and growing it week by week, drop by drop. It's silly to ignore the fact that no human being can work harder on someone else's baby as we do our own baby. When it's your own baby, your brain is more active, even more creative... ... because it's your own baby. Provided you do not need a boot in the head to see the obvious, you'll also notice that most of our millionaires have a written plan. For Martha Stewart, it began with written recipes. For Ann Landers and Dear Abby, it was written advice to readers of their internationally-syndicated newspaper columns. For someone planning a wedding, it's a list of every detail in writing. For a carpenter, it's the blueprint of the house he's building. Applying these rules for 100 days will produce a doubling of your income within 100 days… as many times over as you wish. Please don't think you're smarter than America's 243 known billionaires and over four MILLION millionaires. If you really knew better, you'd be doing it better, and living your dream life right now. Is this not true? This is a wonderful time for you to understand why you have two ears and one mouth; two eyes and one mouth. If you don't get it from the horse's mouth, perhaps you're spending too much time at the wrong end of the horse. these are PowerGems, the extraordinarily high-powered shortcuts used by Masters and Millionaires…. Particularly the 5,200 of whom I was blessed to personally interview and/or break bread with. Quite sure 'the horse's mouth.' There's plenty of documented evidence that I presided over the breaking and/or shattering of more than 170 sales and production records at major NY companies such as Slomin's, Masada Security, American Frozen Foods, Marketing USA, Nationwide Reader's Service, Who's Who Worldwide, and others...all within 37 months!!! You are vigorously assured that it wasn't 'me," or, for that matter, my own methods. Rather, it was my use of the identical shortcuts employed persistently by my role models and mentors.. the first time that I shut my mouth, opened my ears and began using them, I literally doubled my income in a single afternoon and never looked back, thanks to a famously great American simply stating that the ultimate salesman is not the one who gets the sale; rather, the one who gets repeat business. It took almost an hour for the secondary meaning to hit me, and I remember falling off the chair in my office, catching myself just before hitting the floor. It was one of the most eye-opening moments of a lifetime, and the persistent income that followed proved the value of this wisdom. "Not the one who gets the sale; rather, the one who gets repeat business." This is achieved, of course, by always delivering more than promised. ALWAYS hold back a little something from what you promise, in order to deliver it AFTER you've heard the word "yes." Ineffable thanks to those who dropped huge pieces of wisdom such as this on my plate and left them for me to pick up. Can you imagine, in one day, having two separate mega-wealthy self-made men tell you two separate hyper-useful statements, inner secrets of high achievers? This is a rare, and therefore truly fantastic opportunity for you to begin fulfilling what YOU believe your destiny to be, at a far faster rate than you've used since the age of three or four, when you knew to Ask More People, and Ask People More…. You asked Mommy for that ice cream so many times she either gave in, or screamed, "NO!," at which point you went to Daddy, then Grandma, then Grandpa; until SOMEBODY gave into your pleas, or your tears, or your beguiling smiles and hugs… and you got that ice cream, didn't you? Or, you gave up after one, two, maybe eree or four tries, and you did NOT get the ice cream. On those occasions where you got the treat, it was, considerably more often than not, because and only after you asked enough times to get. Whether or not you are personally smart enough to understand it, the fact is, this… today is the most powerful, useful day of your life. Today you get to ask more people more times, and today you get to create and think of more and more reasons, more and more good reasons why people should give to you whatever it is you ask from them. Losers are those who can tell us exactly what needs to be done. Winners are those who SHUT UP and SHOW US exactly what needs to be done. Losers explain why it wasn't accomplished, winners are only interested in trying it again. Losers are the people all around us who can list the reasons not to do it, winners are the fewer people we love who list ways to solve the obstacles. THIS is your personal, clarion call to greatness; to get busier than ever before. SHUT UP and DO IT!! Losers are those who can tell us exactly what needs to be done. Winners are those who SHUT UP and SHOW US exactly what needs to be done. Winner or Loser, which are you? Oops… no need to say. I promise you that your attitude and actions of the next 60 seconds will tell us if, after all, you are a loser, or a Winner! DO IT, DO IT!!! |
MisterShortcut is pleased to present you with universal shortcuts for total winning.
'Universal' means 'works for everything/everyone,' while 'total winning' explains itself.
Naturally, they tend to work better for the people who are hungry for an identified goal.
The concept is: Universal shortcuts are the fastest, most secure known path to total winning.
If you knew better, you'd do better. The 1 Shortcut Living Class aims to imitate those who do.
Having both hands on a tool has an empirical history of helping you achieve more with that tool.
All human endeavors are subject to the 1 Shortcut Living Class, subordinate to universal shortcuts.
When we imitate actions and attitudes of those repeatedly doing best, we tend to imitate their results.
The true bottom line is, "Less talking, more doing."
Shortcuts, & Shapetalking, & PowerGems can make all the difference, and get easier to use with practice.
Shapetalk and Shapetalking to Shapetalks and, all to help you reach YOUR ultimate score.
Make it your business to learn the one-second energy test, either BDORT or QRA. Use it for life.
The instant that you see such compelling proof that emf weakens every organ, gland, & function,
you take more control over the final third of your life's longevity, quantitatively and qualitatively. might be your first-class ticket to wealth. Free or cheap money, some need not be repaid.
Stop settling for mediocrity in your performance. LIVE your 1 Shortcut Living Class with excitement.
Getting better and better in every way with every day means MANY of your tasks earn you mastery.
Doing what you did yesterday the same way as you did it yesterday means repeating the results.
The only intelligent way to create a better outcome tomorrow is an increase in effort today.
As a child, you knew much of the 1 Shortcut Living Class and 1 Shortcut Living Class.
Once you became psycho-socio-sexually aware of yourself, your concerns did change.
Ceasing to prioritize your own opinion, suddenly, other people's opinions mattered.
The 1 Shortcut Living Class deep within you invites you to take back control. and help people to easily help themselves,
via one-second energy test, and MisterShortcut megaphotons image
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Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurveda II
Chelation II
Mineral Infrared Therapy
Natural Pain Relief
Rife Technology
Breath of Life
Mineral Infrared Therapy Theory
Acoustic Cardiograph
BioSyntony III |
biosyntony4.html" title="The 1 Shortcut Living Class includes a good look at Biosyntony Relaxation Therapy about this highly effective natural healing technique.">BioSyntony IV |
Curing Colds
Health Index - The facts
Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine II
Pain Relief
Masters and Millionaires
YOUR Medical Dollars
Flower Essence Therapy
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathy II Oregano
Alternative to Chiropractic
Psoriasis Medical Destiny Your Choice
Endorsements (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, etc)
Doctors II Health Shortcuts
Cold Cure
Health II
Great Shortcuts
Scandalous!! Xenoestrogens