The 1 Shortcut Living Class does not sell this product online, or make $$ in any way from it or its company.
When rare products come along that deliver at least as much as promised, the 1 Shortcut Living Class aims to be supportive.
The 1 Shortcut Living Class Recommends

Choless Natural Cholesterol Reducer

50% of all Americans suffer high cholesterol


At the heart of the 1 Shortcut Living Class for you:

Lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol quickly, healthily

The 1 Shortcut Living Class urges you to achieve this
without patent medicines or invasive surgery

Reduce MOST heart problems quickly, effectively,
without all the fuss, simply by lowering your cholesterol!



A full line of diease management products

 (source: the National Heart Foundation). This at-risk market for coronary heart disease is 6 times larger than Diabetes and more than twice as large as Arthritis. Choless was developed with the support of our more than 4,000 physician advisory board.

  Proven Anti-Aging Products and Approaches


Visit the healthiest websites on the internet,
from the 1 Shortcut Living Class onwards,


Mr. Shortcut Is Pleased To Bring You The 1 Shortcut Living Class

The efforts to make the 1 Shortcut Living Class the largest naturopathic website online is for you.
The more benefit you get from the more likely you will reciprocate.

Using the best health tips of people who live stronger for longer is wise.
The 1 Shortcut Living Class is designed for your life,
with the understanding that you will make use of its wisdom,
that you'll enjoy the fruits of its successful experience,
and then have the decency to pass it to those who need it.
There is always someone worse off than us, individually and otherwise.
Without exception, each time you considerately think of them, or act for them,
the universe and all of its laws gives you the positively sumptious guarantee of return.
You already know that anything we do has equal and opposite reaction.
What might distract you into thinking that this fact is immune?
The rules of life that hold true most of all, all PowerGems,
apply to all we survey. Faith and science combined.

Crafted by your
Godfather of EyeCandy,
The 1 Shortcut Living Class and 1 Shortcut Living Class are HUGE
IE users: Tap any keyboard letter, number or character (even upper-case!) for another Mr-Shortcut website of EyeCandy and self-empowerment

MisterShortcut, committed to the reduction of the citizenry's unhealthy reliance on
the strictly money-based decisions of doctors who provably love money more than life,
demonstrating this in literally hundreds of thousands of "doctor error" deaths in America EVERY YEAR
by living luxurious lifestyles directly from the suffering of women, children, the elderly,
and perhaps most egregiously, the suffering of America's work force, our honest laborers.
If a doctor wants to be rich, he or she should join the merchant class, not the medical.
We understand that you believe your doctor is an exception, and cares greatly.
The best test? Look at your doctor's car or house. Even one step above average,
and we have proof that material interests supercede any care for healing.
Please understand that spending more on a car does not buy more car.
It buys something ego-based that robs your retirement of big cash.
In hope of you learning more in order to live more, naturally,
MisterShortcut is thrilled to present for your edification,
many hundreds of healthy websites filled with health tips,
including the countless self-helping pages of
filled with your best health tips for living stronger for longer... naturally
It is indeed a wise person who understands and appreciates that no vitamina or human or even surgery can cure or heal us:
they can only help us to help ourselves; help us to heal ourselves.
The sooner you take control of the decisions affecting your health,
both how long you live and how well you live, the sooner you win.
You win the game of life by living well. Keep things simple.
With hundreds of thousands of dead patients every year,
the only person willing to claim that medicine works,
is the individual who has an interest in saying so.
That's tough for you to accept. We understand.
Your IQ is what, 80, 90, 100 or thereabouts?
The 1 Shortcut Living Class is different.
Based on the findings of smart folks,
people with IQ's above 150 - 180.
Stop feeling insulted by this;
call it a quirk of birth.
Fact is, those who do better
are the people who know better.
By tapping into what THEY know better,
you multiply the chances of YOU living better,
living stronger for longer with more robust health.
You think you know more than Paul Newman, saintly human?
Forget the thousands of charities this amazing man has given to.
Just consider his announcement just after his eightieth happy birthday:
"As of next year, I will no longer compete in professional car racing anymore."
Whew! Do you even understand the physical requirements of professional car racing?
Never mind the mental demands; the physical demands alone are beyond what you do daily.
So, when one like Paul Newman speaks about being so active after several consecutive decades,
does it not make sense for the rest of us to hush up and listen to the wisdom coming from a wise man?

You're visiting one of the healthiest websites on the internet and best source of shortcuts, The 1 Shortcut Living Class.
This section, called "The 1 Shortcut Living Class," is designed to promote the concept of "healthiest websites"
Designed for you to learn and enjoy the healthiest shortcuts and health tips of people who live longer and stronger,
using them endlessly to live healthier and wealthier, live happier and more fulfilled with these healthiest tips.
The 1 Shortcut Living Class is a big portion of the largest and most empowering 1 Shortcut Living Class.
The 1 Shortcut Living Class is self-explanatory, pursuing the best information on health and Longevity,
sharing the methods and secrets of long-lived people. Good health begins with learning more.
The more we learn, the longer and stronger we tend to live. You deserve to live longer.

That is where The 1 Shortcut Living Class enters your picture.
All one thousand of the websites entitled "Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts,"
and all of these "healthiest websites" pertaining to health and Longevity,
have all been designed and created by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
also known as the Godfather of EyeCandy for his innovations,
for no greater or lesser reason than that you're worth it.

Learn more in order to live more.   You'll certainly benefit from the shortcuts,
the so-called secrets, and the EyeCandy here at The 1 Shortcut Living Class,
and the most empowering website on the internet, the 1 Shortcut Living Class.
With your mind in mind,

When 1 Shortcut Living Class Meets The 1 Shortcut Living Class

1 Shortcut Living Class Presents Qvials, Supercharged FoodBoosters, EnergyVials, EnergyTape, megaphotons...
All inventions presented by the 1 Shortcut Living Class are fruits OF 1 Shortcut Living Class innovation mindset. - Filled with rare earth minerals, supercharged by MisterShortcut - a 1 Shortcut Living Class favorite energy tool - Holding a QVial at the highest point on your head instantly & temporarily strengthens all brain and body points - Information on how QVials affect brain and body points, 365 of which are tied to organs, glands, body tissue strength

The 1 Shortcut Living Class is thrilled to bring innovations and devices that have never existed before in life.
The more we use these tools, the more benefits you accrue, & the greater those benefits also tend to be for you.
These tools, among many MisterShortcut inventions, are to be counted among the most powerful tools of your life.
From the world's first supercharged cold lasers to the supercharged rare earth minerals that make ALL test stronger:

FoodBoosters alone, among the tiniest tools of your lifetime, contain more power than most all of your other tools -- combined.
Nothing in the world has ever existed like FoodBoosters, another innovation of the 1 Shortcut Living Class to help you, naturally.
Every single food and drink on earth that tests weak with QRA testing is unconditionally guaranteed to test stronger with FoodBoosters.
There are other energy tests that produce identical results, or nearly so, including Brix meter, QRA, Contact Reflex Analysis, BDORT, and more.
No batteries or wires, no maintainance or upgrades, they will last forever, cannot be reversed, and charge even more when exposed to sunlight.
While Foodboosters also work on every human organ and gland, they are tiny, not always easy to place precisely at GV20 point, atop the head,
so, the 1 Shortcut Living Class suggests larger EnergVial, QVials, QVials, Jumboze, one for each side of the body, to save time each day.
What we do to one side of the body is wise to do to the other side of the body, provided the first action is going to bring you healthy benefit.
One is fine, we simply save time doing, for example, two kidney points at once, or two gallbladder or eye or other points simultaneously.
The family of QVials are comprised of the world's first literally supercharged rare earth minerals, and no need to believe a word of this.
Once you learn to do the one-second bidigital test called "QRA testing," you never have to take anyone's word for it again, healthwise.
When you are familiar with this easy-to-learn test of energy, you can test food, clothes, people, houses, and everything within sight.

From balancing cholesterol or getting heart-healthy, to energy and longevity, the Psychology is here to serve you.
Balance your cholesterol with wise dietary decisions, and the 1 Shortcut Living Class tends to promote good health.

Embrace and count on the 1 Shortcut Living Class reciprocating, naturally, and healthfully.